How to Install Doctor Droid PlayBooks in Kubernetes Using Helm Charts
1 min read
This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on setting up playbooks on a Kubernetes cluster using helm charts

Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:DrDroidLab/PlayBooks.git
Step 2: Choose your K8s cluster
Use the following command to check the cluster in your current context.
kubectl config current-context
Switch to the cluster where you want to install the helm chart
kubectl config use-context <your_k8s_cluster_context>
Step 3: Prepare the helm charts
In this guide, we'll setup on an AWS EKS cluster.
Navigate to helm folder
Copy and paste the subnets of your Kubernetes cluster into the ingress file
For information on GKE, check here.
Step 4: Install the helm charts
helm install playbooks . -n <namespace>
Note: Replace <namespace> with the namespace of your choice.
Step 5: Verify the pods & services
Step 6: Access the Platform
Use the following command to get the load balancer URL for accessing the portal.
kubectl get ingress web-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
Optionally, you can set up an external database instead of using the postgres DB that is created on-the-fly as a stateful set. Refer to the documentation for instructions.