How to Install Doctor Droid PlayBooks in Kubernetes Using Helm Charts


1 min read

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on setting up playbooks on a Kubernetes cluster using helm charts

Cover Image for How to Install Doctor Droid PlayBooks in Kubernetes Using Helm Charts

Step 1: Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:DrDroidLab/PlayBooks.git

Step 2: Choose your K8s cluster

Use the following command to check the cluster in your current context.

kubectl config current-context

Switch to the cluster where you want to install the helm chart

kubectl config use-context <your_k8s_cluster_context>

Step 3: Prepare the helm charts

In this guide, we'll setup on an AWS EKS cluster.

  • Navigate to helm folder

  • Copy and paste the subnets of your Kubernetes cluster into the ingress file

For information on GKE, check here.

Step 4: Install the helm charts

helm install playbooks . -n <namespace>

Note: Replace <namespace> with the namespace of your choice.

Step 5: Verify the pods & services

Step 6: Access the Platform

Use the following command to get the load balancer URL for accessing the portal.

kubectl get ingress web-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'

Optionally, you can set up an external database instead of using the postgres DB that is created on-the-fly as a stateful set. Refer to the documentation for instructions.